Thursday, 30 March 2017

Kapa Haka Whanau Hui

Kia ora koutou, 
If you have a child/children in kapa haka this year, you are invited to come along to Room 25 (upstairs in the new block) on Thursday 6th April at 3.30pm. We are holding a short hui to inform families of our plans for kapa haka this year and to answer any questions you may have. We will also share information about the whanau committee and what is involved with this if you are interested in being a part of this roopu. 

Nga mihi 
Stacey Anderson

Sunday, 26 March 2017

Karakia mo te kapa haka - karakia to open and close our kapa haka sessions

Karakia Timatanga
E te Atua, ka timata tatou i nga mahi kapa haka, ka huri tenei wa ki a koe. Amene
God, we are beginning our Kapa haka, we turn all that we do over to you. Amen

Karakia Whakamutunga
te Atua, kua mutu tatou i nga mahi kapa haka, kia tau tou rangimarie kei  matou. Amene

God, we have finished our Kapa haka, may your peace rest gently upon us. Amen


Kia ora koutou,

Senior students who performed in 2016 will be acting as tuakana (more skilled/older) during the junior kapa haka sessions on a Monday. Four senior students will attend the junior sessions to share their knowledge and skills with our teina each week.

Below is a table for the rest of the term. Term 2 will is created and will be shared closer to the time.

Nga mihi

Wednesday, 22 March 2017

Kapa Haka plan Term 1 2017

Kia ora whānau,

Here you will see the plan for the rest of Term 1. You will see the Autumn Festival rehearsals are highlighted in yellow. The students had a great rehearsal today and we are happy to get together in other lunch times when needed. 

Any questions, just ask. 

Nga mihi 
